As the Olympics end and football season signals the start of fall, it’s the perfect time to embrace simple yet sustainable practices. Sustainable and eco-friendly habits are crucial for us humans to adopt if we hope to improve our planet. Today, we will outline three simple ways to include eco-friendly habits into your routine this fall.
1. Nature-Inspired Decoration
Use nature to create a warm, fall-inspired atmosphere in your home. Retrieving natural materials directly from nature to develop eco-friendly home items is a great way to practice sustainability. A few essential items to remember while foraging the wilderness are pinecones, leaves, acorns, and even certain rocks. Those items can make beautiful, natural decorations that can be returned to Mother Nature when finished. A pumpkin is another essential nature item that will contribute to your nature-inspired decoration efforts. If possible, we recommend purchasing pumpkins locally to support nearby farmers. If you’re carving pumpkins this Halloween, using the flesh for pumpkin pie or soups is ideal while composting the rest. Seeds can also be used for roasting or, of course, planted to grow more pumpkins.
2. Locally sourced sustainable meals
Fall is a great time to prepare delicious meals with friends and family. It’s also an excellent time to support nearby farmers by shopping locally. A visit to the farmer's market or local farm for seasonal produce will not only taste fresher and tastier, but it will also require a minimal amount of transportation compared to out-of-season imports. Focusing on straightforward and delicious meals that use in-season ingredients will reduce your carbon footprint. It’s also important to reduce food waste by maximizing your use of locally sourced, in-season ingredients, as mentioned above.
3. Eco-Friendly Products
It's best to source natural or eco-friendly products while updating your home and lifestyle to align with the fall season. As fall begins, you’ll likely be spending more time indoors, which is a good reason why considering natural cleaning products is a great option. Choosing brands that sell non-toxic or natural products like apple cider vinegar are great options. Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to be an all-purpose cleaner, which is an excellent alternative to standard cleaners. Purchasing clothing that’s made from sustainable recycled materials and energy-efficient LED bulbs should also be considered. Those simple changes can make your home more sustainable and will likely save you some money.