If you’re like most people, the word diatomaceous is entirely foreign to you and may even be challenging to pronounce. For reference, it’s pronounced Di-a-to-ma-ceous and it’s a naturally occurring substance with multiple uses and benefits. Embrace the versatility of this eco-friendly solution known as diatomaceous earth and join the growing community discovering its amazing properties!
Diatomaceous or Diatomite Earth is a non-toxic material composed of small aquatic organisms commonly known as diatoms, which have skeletons made up of natural silica. These diatoms are also known as the grass of the sea and accumulate in oceans, rivers, streams, and lakes worldwide. It's commonly known in the industry as a filtration, abrasive, or highly absorbent material. Its high absorbency is why it’s used to create bath or dish mats. Another common use for diatomaceous earth is as an insecticide or pest control agent. It's extremely effective against certain insects due to its dehydration capabilities. Lastly, several households use the food-grade diatomaceous earth as a dietary supplement for humans and animals. The previously mentioned silica may have potential benefits for joint and bone health. Additional benefits related to food-grade diatomaceous stone include...
- Cleansing of the digestive tract.
- Support healthy digestion.
- Improve cholesterol and heart health
- Provide the body with trace minerals.
- Improve bone health.
- Promote hair growth.
- Promote skin health and strong nails.
In conclusion, diatomaceous earth is versatile with several uses and benefits. This non-toxic material composed of natural silica holds the key to numerous benefits for both household and personal health. It doesn't matter if you decide to use Diatomite as a dietary supplement or as an absorbent bath mat, you'll be thoroughly impressed with its capabilities.